The Haunting Abandoned Island In The Middle Of NYC

An Inside Look

With a quick sneak peak at the horrible destruction that overcame the once clean and neat walls of the pavilion, it resembles the aged rubble of a war zone after an explosion. Considering the wing was not used after 1945, the collected dust, rust and antique furniture is quite astounding.


Although both residents and tourists have known about the abandoned location for years, the lack of graffiti to the foundation across the island is quite remarkable. Even with broken windows due to the forceful “nature” of the constantly growing vines (or random visitors,) people have relatively kept their appropriate distance when visiting.

An Earthy Floor

Another room inside the pavilion wing displays a somewhat “Earthy” texture covering the grounds, matching the rest of the island. With roots busting from the cracks of the floor, it’s strange to think that none of this decor existed over 40 years ago.


Take a close look at the intense damage on both the surface and interior of the walls and ceiling. Less than 50 years before, this wing was dedicated to improving and saving the infected lives of those suffering from the disease. And, now we see almost a garden-like setting surrounded by the ruins of a foundation that has still managed to stay somewhat intact.