People Who Clearly Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed
These people went to sleep a little too late or woke up a little too early. Now they’re out in the world living life and making mistakes. Sometimes it’s just too early to make good decisions. Sit back, relax, grab a hefty dose of caffeine, and be thankful that you didn’t leave your house wearing two left shoes.
Keep reading for all the ways not to wear shoes, how not to iron, and the worst thing to do with a bottle of pink paint.
Starting Off On The Wrong Foot

Photo Credit: @louisyogapants / Instagram
The first thing you learn about putting on shoes is that your feet are supposed to go inside them. I don’t know how this even happens.
How can you fully tie up your laces and not realize that you’ve left your toes exposed? At least this person is sporting some fashionable socks.