Natalee Holloway: A Case That Captivated The Nation

Investigation Continues Without Gabriel and John


Despite this major setback, the team travels to Aruba in hopes of finding more evidence based on John’s confession. John described the burial site in great detail, but finding the specific area that he described will prove to be quite difficult. They also want to check the National Forest, which was the original grave site that John mentioned. Once they narrow down the potential locations, Dave will fly in to meet them.

The one positive factor they have is that Gabriel had circled John’s aunt’s house on a map, and the second location he mentioned is supposedly 10 minutes walking distance from the aunt’s house.

They Locate The Land, But Then What?


The team begins their search. They eventually find a culdesac up a large hill that seems to match John’s description. After exploring further, they even discover a section filled with the type of cactus that John described as a landmark. While they believe this to be in the right area, precisely where the hole was dug still remains a mystery. They would have to find the exact spot in order to locate any evidence. Despite this challenging task, they at least feel as if they are getting closer to discovering Natalee’s grave site.