Natalee Holloway: A Case That Captivated The Nation

Getting The Aruban Authorities to Listen


In Aruba, a confession isn’t enough for a conviction, like it is in the U.S; there must be some type of proof. This is likely why Joran had no problem confessing multiple times, always with a different story. While Dave and the detectives are hoping that John’s confession will be enough to open the case, they are really praying that some evidence of her remains will be found at the new burial location.

All the major Aruban government officials who were running the initial investigation are no longer in charge, so Dave’s hope is that the new government will be willing to listen, perhaps embarrassed by the previous poor investigation. Uncertain how strongly the recordings will hold up in court, all hope rests on John taking Gabriele to the burial spot.

Gabriel Quits


After John’s confession, as the detectives and Dave are prepping to return to Aruba and present the authorities with this new evidence, Gabriel starts to unravel under the pressure. He’s having a difficult time dealing with John, who Gabriel believes to be dangerous and very unstable. He stops answering the team’s calls, and when they finally do get him on the phone, he warns them that he doesn’t think he can continue. Soon after he sends Dave a text apologizing and stating, “I was so close, but I had to walk away, I don’t have a choice.” This presents a major problem with the investigation, as they need Gabriel to bring John to the burial location.