Natalee Holloway: A Case That Captivated The Nation

Lack of Remorse


John seems to be just as numb to any remorse as Joran. He stakes himself on Joran’s side, and could care less how any of Natalee’s loved ones feel. His defense for such a cold-hearted response is that it “didn’t happen to his kid.” His comments demonstrate his complete lack of respect for human life. He even goes so far as to say that he wouldn’t have cared if her remains were flushed down the toilet.

When Dave hears John saying these words on the video, he becomes overwhelmed with emotion.

Joran’s Protective Father


During one recorded session, John told Gabriel that someone else had helped them get rid of the body: Paul Van Der Sloot, Joran’s father. Dave had always suspected that Paul had played a role in it, especially after he had made the public statement “no body, no case,” inferring that no one could be arrested in Natalee’s murder if no body was recovered.

When Dave decided to pay Joran a visit in jail, having never seen him face-to-face, he was stopped in his tracks by Paul Van Der Sloot. The two had an aggressive verbal confrontation, and Paul told Dave he would do whatever he could to protect his son.