Natalee Holloway: A Case That Captivated The Nation

Enough Evidence


While John is enamored with Joran, his willingness to dig up Natalee’s body was also driven by greed. John tells Gabriel he “needed the money”, and gladly accepted the $1,500 Joran offered him. He states that after digging her up, her body remained in the trunk of his aunt’s car for one night because both he and Joran were nervous to move it with the three different searches for her that were going on at the time. The next day John brought her body to be cremated.

The detectives believe this confession may be enough evidence for the Aruban authorities to reopen the case.

The Cremation


According to John, Joran dug up the bones of his dead dog in his yard and mixed them with Natalee’s. When John brought the bones to the crematory, he told them that it was his dog that he wanted cremated. He handed them $200 and pushed the bones into the flames himself. The crematory handed the ashes to John in a big plastic bag, which he gave to Joran.

During this discussion, John clearly says that he knows what he did was illegal, and he that he could be charged with desecration of human remains.