These Starbucks Hacks Could Save You A Fortune
If you love Starbucks but you hate the company’s prices, join the club. Then leave the club and learn how to save a ton of money with some super simple cost saving Starbucks hacks. These hacks will help you save money on single cups of coffee, specialty drinks, and the company’s various and growing list of food items. You can even land yourself a free cup of coffee on your birthday and grab specials based on your addiction to the company’s products.
The $2 Iced Latte Trick
If you want an iced latte but you don’t want to pay full price, order a triple espresso over ice in a Venti cup. Next, head over to the condiment area and fill up your cup with milk. $2 and you have an iced latte.
Order in Bulk with a Coffee Press
If you know you will be drinking a few cups of coffee order a press pot. This option is cheaper for bulk coffee drinkers and it’s cheaper than buying individual cups, even with the $0.50 refill option. Plus you can share the pot with friends.
$0.50 Cent Refills
If you are going to sit in Starbucks and drink your coffee, buy a smaller size and then refill it for just $0.50. You can do this as many times as you would like during the same visit. This trick only works on hot coffee, iced coffee, iced tea, and hot tea. You can even take advantage of the $0.50 refill trick if your original drink wasn’t one of the drinks mentioned above.
Bring your own cup to your local Starbucks and you can save 10 cents on the price of your drink. You can bring your own travel tumbler, reusable cup, or mug.
Don’t Buy Bottled Water
Most Starbucks locations don’t charge for a cup of water. The water you receive in a Starbucks cup is triple-filtered which means you get awesome filtered water and as an added bonus, there will be ice added. No more $2 bottled water.
Take Advantage of the Birthday Treat
Register for free for the Starbucks Reward Program and Starbucks will send you a free drink when your birthday arrives. You can even redeem the free coffee for up to 30 days after your birthday.
And More Rewards
Speaking of the Starbucks reward card, you can use it for other savings hacks. Green level customers (received after using your card five times) will get you free refills in store and specialized email offers. At the Gold level (after using the card 30 times in 12 months), you receive a free drink or food reward after every 12 purchases, and get personalized savings offers as well.
Order the “Short”
If you just want a quick pick-me-up you can order the “Short” which is smaller than a Tall and also cheaper. Interesting fact — the “Short” cappuccino has just as much espresso as the tall.
Split a Venti Frappuccino with a Friend
A Venti-size Frap will give you 24 ounces of drink and cost you $4. A tall is just 12-ounces but costs $3. If you and a friend both want the same drink, order a Venti-size and ask for an extra cup. You each get 12 ounces and you save $1 each.

And A Freebie for Fido
Order a puppy latte or puppycino, and your four-legged friend will get a sample cup full of whipped cream.