Cheap Date Ideas You May Want To Try For Yourself
Going out on a date should not break your wallet. Some people believe that money buys happiness, but that is not the case for everyone. Some of the hard working individuals around the nation like to have fun that doesn’t end up costing an arm and a leg. There are activities that you can do on a date that will not make you seem like a cheapskate. Take a look at the following activities that will give you an idea on how to date while on a budget.
Get into the Fighting Spirit on a Date

If you are the active type and you would like to try something new and exciting on your next date, then try to find a free martial arts or exercise class. You and your mate can spend time battling it out on the treadmill or in physical combat. Just make sure that you do not go overboard on the kung fu.
Dust off the Photo Album and Walk down Memory Lane

If you are just sitting around doing nothing next time you are on a date, consider passing the time looking through an old photo album. Looking through a photo album gives you the chance to look at photos of your family or your mates’ family and it is a time to bond and get to know your partner better.
Have a Cup of Joe with Your Partner

A very cheap way to spend time with you and your partner is to go to the coffee shop and enjoy a cup of coffee. You can get you caffeine fix while enjoying time with your mate. An adrenaline rush is what you may need to get you through the night if that type of action is forthcoming.
Sing Your Heart out at a Karaoke Bar

This may be a good idea for some individuals and a bad idea for others. You may enjoy going to a karaoke bar and either watching someone sing, or you may get up on stage and impress your mate with your talents. That is the good side about this type of date. If you cannot sing, then that would be a bad idea to go on this type of date. You can just watch people perform instead.
Have Some Fun with Fondue

Is it true that everyone loves chocolate? If you do, then making some fondue is the thing for you. You and the love of your life can satisfy your sweet tooth with some chocolate dip. You can use all types of food items such as marshmallows and pretzels or even strawberries.
Make Your Date a Popcorn Date

When you really want to stay home, it is best to get comfortable on your couch or bed and watch a movie or two or three. You and your mate can get close while watching whatever you like to watch. This is a time to get snuggly and touchy feely perhaps if that is your thing.
Find Fresh and Healthy Food at the Farmer’s Market

Go out to the local farmer’s market and look for the healthiest of food on your date. This may be ideal on a first date especially because you and your date get to walk around and talk while looking at produce. This may sound a little silly but the idea is to communicate and bond on this type of date.
Put up That Gone Fishin’ Sign

Here is an idea that many people might not think about when it comes to dating. You and your date can go on a romantic evening on the dock or on a boat! Okay, it may not be the fanciest of dating places, but if you want to save some of your hard-earned money, then fishing is the way to go.
Have a Breakfast Date Instead of a Dinner Date

Most people go out on a date either after work or during dinner time. If you want a change of pace, then go out to breakfast on your date. You can wake up with the king and have it your way, or you can go to the golden arches and get that break that you deserve.
Go out to a High School or College Game

Rekindle those old high school moments by going to a high school game. You could also go to a college game. Cheer on your favorite high school or college team while holding on to your mate. You can also recapture those high school moments that you had in high school and reminisce about the good times.
Do Not Go Any Farther Than Your Backyard for a Date

One of the best places to have a date is in your backyard. You can enjoy the great outdoors while snuggling up with the one you love. It is simple and inexpensive to have a date while laying on a hammock in your backyard. You can be as grabby as you want while being in the hammock.
Forget About Going to Ms. Fields, Stay at Home

A simple thing to do while on a date is baking. You can bake something as easy as chocolate chip cookies. Spend time with your mate while getting messy and whipping up a batch of cookies. You can even be a little playful when you are baking by throwing flour on your mate!
Play Cards or a Board Game
It is a common thing to have a game night in this modern era. Who needs video games when you can play cards or even a board game. A simple card game is all it takes to have some fun on your date. If you like a little more excitement, then try a game of Hungry Hippos or Jenga.
Make a Run for It

Get a little sweaty on your next date by going for a run. This is an alternative way to get sweaty instead of the other ways to get sweaty if you catch the drift. You can burn calories while inhaling all of that good outdoor air while bonding with your lover.
Drive Around During the Holiday Season and See the Lights

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and one of the things that you and your date can do during the holiday season is driving around a neighborhood to look at the lights. Most people do this during the season and being on a date and seeing those beautiful lights is a great way to spend a night with your mate.
Spend a Few Days in the Woods

Another great dating idea when you are on a budget is to go to a campground and enjoy the great outdoors. Enjoy everything nature has to offer such as the sight of green trees and cute little animals running around. A lot of conversations occur on campgrounds, and also some other conversations that go on behind closed tents!
Hey, What’s for Dinner?!

This is something that most people do anyway, and that is cook. You and your mate can cook up a storm and you do not have to break your wallet to do so. You can make a simple meal and whip it up in about twenty to thirty minutes. You can then spend time masticating and talking during dinnertime.
How About Going for a Stroll in the Park

As mentioned earlier, one great dating idea while on a budget is to go for a run. If you do not want to get sweaty and you want to take it easy while exercising, give walking a try with your mate. There is nothing like walking hand in hand with your partner and looking into their eyes as you take a walk in the park. Just watch out for any trees you might walk into while holding hands.
Enjoy a Candlelight Dinner with Some Takeout Food

Most people think of candlelight dinners as something that is eloquent and classy and downright expensive. Well, I am here to tell you that this does not have to be. You can get something to eat such as a takeout dinner and then you’re your own candlelight experience without the fuss.
Look, up in the Sky, and See the Stars

Another outdoor activity that seems like a great idea is for you and your mate to grab a blanket and lay it out and then lay on the ground during the night time and stargaze. Stargazing can also be fun if you are somewhere on a high place during the night time and stand and enjoy the night atmosphere.
Hold a Taste Test on Your Next Date

You can conduct a local taste test for another dating idea. You can have a taste test. You can travel to about five local bakeries around your area and pick up a food item, say chocolate chip cookies, from each bakery, and then have a taste test. This is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth as well.
Take Your Mate to the Bowling Alley

If you are a bowling fanatic, or you want to try something entirely different from your dating routine, then find a bowling alley in your area and go bowling. Use your bowling skills and have a ball while knocking down pins. If your partner does not know how to bowl, then this would be a great opportunity to teach them how.
Make Yourself Comfortable at a Free Park Concert

You may have attended a concert that cost a pretty penny at one time or another in your life. You can save money while going to a concert held in a park. You will probably have to bring a towel or blanket in order to sit on the ground. Hands go everywhere usually at concerts like this. You have been warned.
Take Your Date out for Some Ice Cream

Spend some time snuggling up to some Sherbet, or reminisce over some Rocky Road. Going out for ice cream may seem a little childish to some individuals, but as they say, some things get better with age. This is a time to get close to your partner in an old-fashioned setting.
You Do Not Have to Do Dominos Tonight

It’s not delivery, or even Dominos, and no, it’s not Digornio. It is your backyard, and it is a great place to cook a pizza on the grill. It seems like pizza is one of the most popular foods in America and what better way to spend the time than to make your own pizza at home.
Fly a Kite on Your Next Date

This may sound a little childish too, but flying a kite is a fun activity to participate in while dating your loved one. If you and your mate just love the outdoors and you want to break the monotony of most dating situations, then give kite flying a try on your next date.
Give Them a Sensual Massage They Will Never Forget

Give your partner a massage that they will never forget. Everyone experiences tension, and that tension needs an outlet. What better way to relieve tension than to let you partner give you a massage. In turn, your partner can give you a sensual massage that will put a smile on your face.
Go Head over Hills at Happy Hour

A good date idea would be to head over to your favorite watering hole and have some fun during happy hour. Happy hour is a cheap and inexpensive way to spend time with your lover while getting “happy” in the process. Try not to have too much fun and go overboard.
Toss a Frisbee on Your Next Date

Please try not to laugh, but playing Frisbee is a fun social activity that lets you expend those extra calories. You might remember that playing Frisbee was very common before the internet really took off and became the in thing. If you have not done so, please give this a try on your next date.
Splish Splash, It’s Bath Time!

The next time you and your mate get sweaty and funky, head for the tub and take a nice hot bubble bath. You can have all types of fun splashing water on your mate and blowing a big amount of sudsy bubbles onto them. You can also play footsies as well when you all are having a good time.
Give Poetry Reading a Shot This Coming Date Night

If you prefer to sit and cuddle up with your date, then go to a poetry reading on your next date. You can enjoy the congenial atmosphere of folks who like to listen to poetry. Be entertained while you spend time together with your loved one. If you have the knack to stand up on stage, then impress your lover with your poetry.
Remember the Drive-In Movie Theaters?

You have just entered the time zone in which you have drive-in movies. It would seem like the drive-in movies are not as common today as they were years and years ago, but this is a great way to spend time with your lover on a date. Enjoy the movie and your partner at the same time.
Go Head-to-Head Playing Your Favorite Video Games

Gone are the days of 8-bit graphics and funky sounds. Gone are the days of chiptune music and waiting for the second player to get their turn at playing the video game. Here is another cheap dating idea in which you can fire up the old game system and go at it playing video games.
Drive through a Neighborhood and Look at Houses
Do some sight-seeing in a neighborhood that has a lot of fancy houses. Your time spent on driving through the neighborhood will not be in vain. This can be a fun time just to talk or catch up on things in your relationship or a time to reflect on things that have happened in your relationship.
Hold Your Own Wine Tasting Venue

Do you want to spend time at home with your lover and possibly get a little tipsy at the same time? If your answer is yes, then give yourself a good time by holding a wine tasting venue. Grab several bottles of wine and sip away and be a free-spirit at the same time you lift your spirits.
When in Doubt, Go on a Picnic

This article is loaded with outdoor activities. If you want to enjoy a meal outdoors the cheap and simple way without draining your wallet, then go on a picnic. This seems like another archaic form of socializing but it is another effective way to date and save money as opposed to spending it.
Look at All of Those Items from the Outside Looking In

Everybody shops and it is no secret that many people love to do some window shopping. Instead of window shopping by yourself, why not go out on a date and do some window shopping on your next date. People do this when they are on a budget anyway, so why not do it while being on a date.
Go for a Bike Ride with Your Lover

Going for a ride on a bike is a romantic way to have fun and shed those excess calories. If you are a fitness buff or if your partner is into fitness then riding your bicycle should be no problem for you. As in the other scenarios in which you are with your lover, focus on the moment so that you will not run into anything.
Hit a Hole-in-One While Going Mini Golfing

You do not have to be a great golfing pro like Tiger Woods to do some miniature golfing. Mini golfing is usually regarded as a family activity. This family activity is great when you turn it into a dating situation. You can give the mini golf thing a try on your next date and see how it goes.
Enjoy a Good Swim or Relax in a Hot Tub

If you enjoy swimming, then do not go alone. Go with your lover and get the best out of your swimming experience. If you want to get even more romantic, then try relaxing in a hot tub. There is nothing more romantic than enjoying a night staring at the stars and being in a Jacuzzi.