Vladimir Putin: Interesting Facts and Questionable Stunts

Constitutional Loophole: President For 24 Years?


Originally, Putin served as the Russian President from 2000 to 2008 and was then unable to serve a third term due to Russian constitutional constraints, much like the United States. However, while serving as Prime Minister between 2008 and 2012, he ran for the presidency again because although the constitution forbids more than two consecutive terms, it allows for more if they are non-consecutive.

So, after a four-year break, he returned to the presidency where he is now allowed to serve another two full terms. Smooth move, Putin. Also during his time as the Prime Minister, the constitution was altered, changing the presidential term from four to six years, allowing him to act as President for even longer. If he runs for re-election in 2018 and wins, he could potentially spend 24 years as the President of Russia.