These Awkward Photos of Families Will Convince You That You’re A Perfect Parent

They’re All Matching

This photo is meant to look glamorous, with all white errthang, but it ends up looking more like “white trash.” Even the dogs are white, which makes the photo both strange and just boring. Also, the daughter is dressed in a rather revealing dress which amps up the trashy feel of the photo.

They could have been like the family we featured earlier and had the dogs wear some type of sweaters so they didn’t have to match with the dog but they felt more comfortable matching with the dogs. Next time, make sure the daughter covers up more.

It Looks Awful

The people in this photo tried to have good intentions by being overtly cute in their engagement photos. But, by putting the ring in their mouths, it just looks like they have wads of gum stuck in their teeth. This photo proves why good intentions don’t always work out so well.

It also looks like they were channeling their inner Nelly and have half a grill on their teeth. We can’t determine which one of them came up with the idea or if the other was more reluctant but it just seems off to us for some reason.