People Dodging Bullets Like They’re In The Matrix

You’ve seen the Matrix, right? Well, if you haven’t, Neo, the main character, basically dodges bullets like Donald Trump dodges fake news. This is to say, they are both very good at dodging, respectively.

Close calls happen in life and it’s how you react and learn from them that will determine how successfully you maneuver through your day. Whether it’s dodging an ex, dodging a wrench like in the movie Dodgeball, or dodging a stray Lego block on the floor — it’s all about grace. This list compiled some people who have the word “dodge” in their middle name they’re so good at it.

That Would’ve Been A Nail In The Coffin

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The danger of getting a rusty nail jabbed into your foot is enormous. You literally get a vaccine for Tetanus just in case it happens. Everyone has had a moment when they’ve come within millimeters of getting a nail jabbed so far up their foot it comes out of their mouths. It’s one of the most painful things to happen and this person dodged the bullet, just barely.