It’s Time To Accept That We’ve Finally Reached Peak Perfection And The Only Place To Go Is Down
Everyone reaches a moment in their lives where they peaked. Many of us won’t know we peaked until our life starts declining rapidly and we long for the days when you felt on top of the world.
Whether it’s getting that promotion, the birth of your child or finding out your favorite restaurant now delivers — pure bliss ensues. But, like a poorly built skyscraper, what goes up must come down. Sometimes it’s an abrupt drop, while other times it’s a slow sinking plunge. Enjoy.
“I Never Want To Leave You”
If you’ve never been in the presence of an alpaca, then you probably are looking at this picture thinking this dad is nuts. But 98% of people who have embraced an alpaca in this way say that it’s the best moment of their life and they fall into a deep depression afterward. So. Soft.