[VIDEO] Heart. Melted. Golden Retriever Puppies Are The Best
Golden retrievers are one of the best dog breeds in the world. It certainly can’t get any better than this… Oh, wait! Yes, it can. You can add golden retriever PUPPIES to the mix. Get your middle of the week puppy week fix here!
The Ultimate Mood Lifter

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those that prefer kitten videos and those that prefer the second option – puppies! Even for people who love cats, there is no denying that teeny tiny fluffy puppies just have that special ability to put a smile on your face. So if you are having a bad day or a rough time at the office, now is the time to feast your eyes one of the best dogs around – golden retrievers. Oh, and did we mention not only are they goldens but they’re golden retriever puppies? Wait till you get a load of how many there are!
Golden Retrievers

Golden retrievers are one of the most excellent dog breeds in existence. The breed is considered a large breed and, of course, they get their name from their beautiful golden color. The breed has its origins in the United Kingdom and more specifically Scotland. Did you know that goldens are known to love water? Their outer coat is even able to repel water which makes them excellent swimming candidates. Goldens also need to have several hours of exercise every day as they are very active dogs. Once you these little puppies having a go at playtime, you will definitely understand!
Presidential Pets

The breed wasn’t even recognized in the United States breeding circles and more specifically the American Kennel Club until 1925, although they had been in existence for much longer. Multiple United States’ presidents have chosen goldens to be there official White House pets. Gerald Ford had a golden retriever named Liberty. Later, Ronald Reagan also had a golden named Victory. They have also of course been featured in countless movies and television shows. For instance, all of the Air Bud films and the Homeward Bound included goldens. There is no doubt that golden retrievers are truly a special kind of breed.
Twenty-One Pups

These puppies are so adorable and they are clearly happy while they play. These twenty-one golden retriever puppies are enjoying their time while they frolic in a beautiful open field. Yes, that’s right, twenty-one golden retriever puppies! These beautiful puppies are in Sherman, Connecticut at Overlook Goldens. If you are in the market for a golden retriever Overlook Goldens is the place for you. These puppies are only six weeks old and enjoying one of their first experiences of interacting with the outside world. Look how excited they look? Don’t you just want to scoop them up for a dose of puppy happiness?! Click next to see the video.
Puppy Stampede!

Charge! Can you imagine having this delightful puppy stampede coming at you? These little guys are truly loving their first happiness as they frolic along the beautiful green grass. How lucky are all the people who get to spend their time visiting and rolling around the grass with them? Check out the video of the adorable twenty-one six-week-old Golden Retriever puppies. If you are in the need of a middle of the week pick me up, this video is sure to put a happy smile on your face! This video was shot/edited by Abe Halpert, Andrew Osborne and Elise Vaux.
Courtesy of HooplaHa – Only Good News